My customer has brought a purchase back. How can I refund my customer?
Do you offer Payconiq via the sticker and the Merchant Portal?
If the payment into your bank account was directly from your customer's bank account, you will find all of the details there for transferring the amount owed back to your customer.
• Do you offer Payconiq via your cash register, website or other payment platform?
The provider of your payment system can use the Payconiq Payment API (the connection between your cash register and Payconiq) to retrieve the necessary details, after which you can transfer the amount owed back to your customer.
• Are you a provider of payment systems and want to offer this service? Take a look at the Developer Portal where you will find all of the specifications of the 'Get Iban' function.
Other FAQs
- Payconiq solution
- My Payconiq outgoings
- Managing my merchant account
- Payconiq solutions for merchants
- Request a Merchant contract
- Get going with the Merchant Portal
- My Payconiq invoice
About meal vouchers via Payconiq
- How can you activate or ask payments with meal vouchers via Payconiq?
- How is a ‘combined’ transaction involving meal vouchers and Payconiq paid out?
- How does a payment with meal vouchers via Payconiq work for your client?
- Can I also accept eco, gift or consumer cheques through Payconiq?
- How can I track my ‘combined’ meal vouchers and Payconiq transactions?
Operating fee
- As of when will the operating fee be in force?
- Does the operation fee still applies when no transactions were made?
- For who is this operating fee applicable?
- I have multiple Payconiq merchant accounts (MerchantIDs) for my business. How can I merge these accounts?
- I received an invoice for the operating fee but I do not agree with this. How can I get a refund?