How can you activate or ask payments with meal vouchers via Payconiq?

I already accept Payconiq and meal vouchers:

Do you already accept Payconiq via a QR code on a sticker and are you already accepting one or more meal voucher brands via a terminal?

Then we will activate the meal voucher payments of your provider(s) automatically in your Payconiq account. 

I do not yet accept Payconiq, but I accept meal vouchers:

Ask for Payconiq here.

After your Payconiq application is completed, we will activate meal voucher payments on Payconiq.

I do not yet accept meal vouchers, or I want to accept other providers:

Apply for meal vouchers here:




After your meal vouchers application is completed, we will activate meal voucher payments on Payconiq.

I do not yet accept Payconiq, nor meal vouchers:

On this page, see how the solution works and how to apply for both Payconiq and meal vouchers.

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