How can I pay with meal vouchers in the Payconiq by Bancontact app?

You can make mobile payments at local Payconiq merchants that offer Payconiq on a QR code sticker and accept payments with meal vouchers.  

It is not yet possible to use this feature at large retailers such as supermarkets or at merchants who offer Payconiq via their payment terminal or cash register.  

Once you have enrolled your meal voucher card in the Payconiq by Bancontact app, you can pay with your meal vouchers at affiliated merchants in a couple of steps:

  1. Scan the Payconiq QR code
  2. When you have sufficient balance on your meal vouchers, your meal vouchers will appear as selected payment method. 
  3. Enter the requested amount. 
  4. Use the same PIN code that you have been using to do any mobile payments with the Payconiq by Bancontact app
  5. Payment confirmed. 

Is the amount you need to pay at the shop higher than the balance on your meal vouchers? For example : you need to pay 10€ but you only have 4€ available on your meal vouchers account? 

In this case, you have 2 options:

  1. Pay the total amount in 1 session: change payment method to your linked bank account and pay 10€. 
  2. Pay in 2 sessions: enter the maximum amount available on your meal voucher balance (eg. 4€). After completing the payment you will have to scan the Payconiq QR code again to pay the remaining 6€.

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